Program Evaluation


we turn your open-ended text into actionable charts

Have you ever done a program evaluation survey with interesting questions you desperately needed actionable answers to such as…

  • What was the most valuable aspect of our program? Why?

  • What did you hope to gain from our program? What did you actually gain?

  • What are your top suggestions for how we can improve our program for future participants?

Only to get the results back as a confusing, dull spreadsheet with tens, hundreds, or even thousands of text boxes to sort through? How do you extract meaning from all those comments? How do you assess which things you should execute on because they would most move the needle for your organization?

With AmeliorMate, you no longer have to guess. For only $2.00 per response, we wade through all that text for you and turn it into clear, actionable, and visually-appealing charts and reports. Get started by contacting us below or keep reading to see a demo of our work in action.

Contact us now for a 50% discount on your first report!


Have you ever collected confusing, boring, raw text data you didn’t know what to do with?

Have you ever wished you could extract the most important points from your data with a snap of your fingers?


Now you can, with AmeliorMate

How it works, in two easy steps:

Step #1: frequency tables

The first step is to sort your data into themes and create frequency tables. When you do a survey with closed-ended questions this is straight forward. For example:

  • Did our program deliver the value you expected? Yes or No?

Would yield a frequency table stating

  • X number of respondents (A%) said Yes.

  • Y number of respondents (B%) said No.

But if you were to ask what was the most valuable aspect of our program? You would get a big boring spreadsheet of text-box responses. AmeliorMate takes those messy, text-box answers and turns them into themes just as clear and simple (though more informative) than closed-ended questions. For example:

  • X number of respondents (A%) said your program delivered expected value in a straight-forward way, such as a new skill learned through workshops.

  • Y number of respondents (B%) said your program delivered expected value in a counter-intuitive way, such as a new skill learned from fellow participants when networking during the coffee breaks.

  • Z number of respondents (C%) said the program delivered value you didn’t even know existed as a side effect, such as participants plugging into a local network made possible by the program’s new location.


Step #2: charts and reporting

The second step is to turn those frequency tables into visually appealing charts and put them into a custom report for your specific needs. Though reports normally uncover counter-intuitive findings you would never have thought to ask about, we also make sure to find out ahead of time what your biggest questions and obstacles are so we can tailor our analysis to your needs.

At AmeliorMate, we pride ourselves on making your data as clear, useful, and actionable as possible.

Take your next step…

Contact us now for a 50% discount on your first report!